1000 centres for all ages by 2030
United for All Ages helps build stronger communities and a stronger country by bringing younger and older people together and promoting a Britain for all ages. Rather than dividing generations, social and economic policies and projects should unite all ages.
You may have seen TV coverage of children from nurseries mixing with older people living in care homes. Wouldn’t it be great if this happened in every community? If there was somewhere that older and younger people could mix and share activities and experiences?
The benefits of mixing are huge – from helping children learn and develop to reducing loneliness and improving the health of older people. And there are wider benefits for families and our society which is often segregated by age.

Bringing older and young people together can increase mutual understanding and tackle big issues like ageism, care, health and housng. There are lots of different ways that ‘shared sites’ or ‘centres for all ages’ can be created.
The care-home nursery is perhaps the best known. There are also schools where older people’s services are based, and older people’s housing where students live. Plus many other examples - there is not one model.. United for All Ages is working to develop shared sites like these across the UK.
Our aim is to support the development of 1000 centres for all ages by 2030 – with at least one in every community. Wouldn’t that be great for everyone? You can help make it happen - see some of our resources here.
United for All Ages is a ‘think and do’ tank and social enterprise developing new ‘all ages’ approaches to key social and economic issues.
We work with a wide range of national and local organisations to do things differently in our ageing society, building communities for all ages and developing shared sites where for example care and housing schemes are co-located with nurseries and schools. Join our network
Centres for all ages
There are a growing number of ‘shared sites’ where older and younger people can mix and share activities and experiences. Our aim is for 1000 to be created across the UK by 2030. Here are just some examples of shared sites and other projects we like: